I can tell you what I’ve done and what I do, but you need to hear from the people I’ve worked with. You’ll want to know what I’m like as a coach, how well I understand your needs and whether I deliver value. Here’s what they say.
Working with Natasha has been an incredible, subtle but mighty experience. She helped me navigate my return to work after maternity leave, re-establishing myself as a working mother operating at a high level and rediscovering my confidence in the process. Coming back after such a life change – and to a changing work environment as well – meant I felt the need to re-evaluate not only my own leadership style and way of working, but also my broader values, objectives, and mission in this new phase of life. She listens with empathy, and asks thoughtful questions that help you see a different perspective, dive into the heart of the issue, map out the necessary steps to achieve your desired outcome, or explore a new course of action. Through our sessions she gave me the tools I needed to shape the next phase in my career in an ambitious, truthful and impactful way. Not to mention she is just a joy of a human being, which made our time together enjoyable as well as productive. Couldn’t recommend her more!
Carolina B. Public Sector Engagement, World Economic Forum

“Working with Natasha has been a truly rewarding and highly beneficial experience. Being thoughtfully guided through how to utilise various tools and by exploring new skills, I have enhanced my understanding of how to approach my day to day to achieve better outcomes in the short term. In addition, I have also refined my reflective toolkit to better back myself, paint a more meaningful picture of where I aspire to be professionally and to thrive into the future. I look forward to working with Natasha again.”
John Donovan,Head of Fund Risk Management, Asset Management)
Working with Natasha for just over a year has delivered the sizeable benefit of taking me out of the weeds and details of my day-to-day job and empowering me to think more strategically about how to position myself and my team for greater achievement and success.
Natasha is a great listener and is not averse to challenging long held beliefs and perspectives or sharing constructive feedback. Following our one-to-one sessions, I have greater clarity of my communication, leadership and management styles and how these can be tailored to the situation and the audience to achieve more impactful outcomes.
Natasha is wholeheartedly engaged, and it has been invaluable having her in my corner helping me navigate.
Sufyan | Regional Finance Manager (Retail)

I was lucky enough to be accompanied by Natasha for half a year, and I have to say that these monthly meetings were a real privilege: Natasha's advice and best practices were very beneficial in my day-to-day work life. Her analyses of real-life business cases are very accurate, and she knows how to stand back and give practical, objective advice. At each session, progress is assessed, and the next steps anticipated. In addition to her professional qualities and highly-developed listening skills, Natasha has a very pleasant personality, and it was a real pleasure for me to work with her.
Christine, Content & Digital (Defence)
Le coaching avec Natasha m’a permis d’atteindre plusieurs objectifs que je m’étais fixés, en l’espace de 6 modules répartis sur 7 mois. En tant que jeune femme ayant pris de nouvelles responsabilités dans un milieu majoritairement masculin et au sein d’une fonction support, je ressentais le besoin de développer ma confiance en moi pour être perçue telle que je le souhaitais et non pas telle que je le craignais. Natasha m’a aidée dès la 1ère séance à formuler 5 objectifs en lien avec mon image et mon positionnement vis-à-vis de mes pairs. Ce coaching m’a avant tout permis de changer de regard sur moi-même, cela entraînant l’effet instantané et presque magique de me sentir plus légitime et plus pertinente dans ma façon de fonctionner et de gérer mes relations avec mes collègues. Au-delà de ses qualités de coach, j’ai particulièrement apprécié être accompagnée par Natasha que je trouve sincèrement empathique, à l’écoute et bienveillante. Par les petits objectifs court-terme que l’on me fixait ensemble à l’issue de chaque séance, nous avons pu constater des résultats rapidement et observer une nette évolution tout le long de ce coaching. Par ailleurs, je suis reconnaissante d’avoir eu l’occasion de suivre ce coaching à ce stade de ma carrière, car je sais que tout ce que j’ai appris me sera extrêmement bénéfique pour la suite et me suivra pour longtemps.
Hannah. M Responsable Communications (Défense)

Natasha and I started working together over a year ago, as I was hired to stand up and lead a brand new innovation function at a technology company. Not only did she help me hone my leadership style and communication skills with senior leaders, but she also made sure every meeting was action-oriented and connected to specific outcomes I was driving towards. Within the first 6 months, I went through major leadership changes and a new reporting structure to the C-Suite, and Natasha helped me navigate the situation with confidence. She helped me find my voice in order to advocate for myself and my capabilities. Additionally, we worked together to create a plan to grow the team which was ultimately approved. I couldn't have navigated the last 6+ months without her, and her outside-in perspective was critical to the numerous strategic conversations I had with the SLT at my company. On top of it all, Natasha is an absolute joy to work with; she is a great listener, who cares deeply and wants the best for her clients. I HIGHLY recommend working with her!
Claire.H. Innovation Director (Tech real-estate)
"I really enjoyed coaching and was impressed with the amount of value I got from just one session. Especially as a woman I felt in good hands with Natasha and left the session with tangible steps towards tackling the topic at hand. My biggest takeaway was the lesson of ‘seek to understand before you are understood’ which Natasha drove home by helping me unpack the stakeholders and motivations at play."
Lara H. (Fintech)

“I have been working with Natasha for more than a year now.I initially had a few doubts about how this could work – a coach from an external organization with no knowledge about our products, processes, organization and team setup! What benefit would this really have?
But I tried it. And it has been the best decision for me. The result is we have regular meetings that I do not want to miss!
All our sessions have been very inspiring and encouraging. For difficult issues I come away feeling more confident about how to proceed, for others I walk away with new ideas and a different perspective or I gain more insight on how I can improve working in a remote and multi-cultural team environment.
It's always a good and valuable exchange which makes my work life much better. For sure, putting it into practice is my responsibility, but this also much easier when you have regular meetings with someone who is honestly interested in helping you.”
Arno. S. Technical Product Manager (App development platform)

“Because I don’t need to tell you the details of my job or any of the technical context, I’m pulled back from the day-to-day and out of the weeds. It gets me thinking about the 5000 ft view instead, which gives me a fresh perspective and the bigger picture. Always very helpful!”
Gavin (Technical Manager (Tech)

“I cannot recommend Natasha enough as a leadership coach and communications specialist! Natasha has been a key resource in helping me develop highly valuable professional skills and has helped me advance in my career. From leadership development, to advice on being a women in the workforce, to providing resources on how to reach my goals, she has been so supportive and amazing along the way! I have been working with Natasha for over a year + now, and each session I leave feeling refreshed and equipped with tools to help address a problem or provide a solution. Natasha has helped me unlock goals and has help me become equipped to thrive in my role. Natasha has helped guide me through team changes, promotions, salary negotiations, operational advice, stress management, professional communication and so much more. You won’t regret working with Natasha! She is amazing! Thank you Natasha, for all you do!”
Rosie B. Marketing Operations Manager (Performance Marketing)
“I've been working with Natasha for a few months and I'm really happy with our sessions. Her inquisitive approach has helped me distil my high-level ideas and dreams into goals that have clarified my path forward. As a result of this, I've been able to better identify opportunities at work and make the most of them. Her guidance and coaching have given me the confidence I need to pursue the next steps in my professional development.”
Santi.D. Marketing Executive (Engineering software)

"I really enjoyed coaching and was impressed with the amount of value I got from just one session. Especially as a woman I felt in good hands with Natasha and left the session with tangible steps towards tackling the topic at hand. My biggest takeaway was the lesson of ‘seek to understand before you are understood’ which Natasha drove home by helping me unpack the stakeholders and motivations at play."
Lara H. (Fintech)
"I just wanted to give you an update that I met with the CMO and ‘pitched’ myself aka made my case with data/stories for the Director level and she absolutely agreed and said I was already performing there. More to come on how it all pans out, but I just wanted to share the great news and THANK YOU because you were a huge part of helping me frame it all and get there with confidence."
Claire H. (Tech)

"To say my coaching sessions with Natasha have been rewarding is an understatement. Natasha has helped me reflect not just my management style but also how I deal with challenging situations, identifying areas for improvement and helping me think through different approaches. She creates a safe, yet challenging coaching environment whilst always taking the time to stay focused on the specifics and the outcomes I need. I thoroughly enjoy my sessions with Natasha, and always look forward to the next."
Jamila F. (Software and tech services)

"Just when you think you know yourself - you learn so much! These sessions are meant to uncover things that aren’t easily apparent, and Natasha has a gentle way of bringing those to the surface. She finds a way to help you navigate the discovery without it feeling invasive or overwhelming. I have really enjoyed the discussions & exercises she had me complete to put things into practice very quickly. Change is not an easy thing to apply, but working with Natasha has kept me moving forward in this ongoing journey."
Katie O., Fintech
"Working with Natasha for the past 9 months has been an absolute joy. She takes the time to understand the issues I’m facing. She lets me delve into all the intricacies that can keep my mind whirling (maybe unproductively) and then cuts rights through to the heart of what I’m trying to do. She does this by asking incisive questions - keeping in mind a host of ever-changing characters that she hasn’t met. And she does all this with kindness.
During the time we’ve worked together I’ve had a boss quit unexpectedly. I’ve also started managing someone for the first time. I wouldn’t have handled these changes with as much grace and forethought without working with Natasha. For that I’m grateful."
Clay V., Media

"Working with Natasha has given me the tools, space and confidence to explore my wants, needs and identify my own ability. Eye opening and empowering to begin to get clarity on the next stage of my professional journey."
Lt-Col Carolyne Möller Human Security | UK MOD Defence Engagement Strategy

“There are not always opportunities in the workplace to discuss emotions and the impact they have on our behaviours and professional relationships. Natasha's work has enabled the individuals who've benefited from it, to feel more empowered and confident in speaking up in situations where they've previously felt challenged - in particular with senior stakeholders.
She has guided them in finding their purpose, determining what it is they want to achieve longer term, and given them the confidence and skill set to get after those goals.
They've gained an understanding of how important it is to champion themselves and be visible, as well as tools to define who they need to engage with, and how to turn thoughts and intentions into actions."
Major Katie Palastanga Regimental Second in Command |Royal Artillery
Transitioning from an individual contributor to a first time manager was never easy. I was extremely fortunate to have Natasha’s support as she coached me through the entire journey from applying to the role, preparing for interviews and managing my first 90 days as a new manager. Natasha’s coaching style has also inspired and influenced me when I coach my team which has helped me to secure some early successes. I would highly recommend Natasha to anyone who is going through a similar challenge in their career.”
Billy C, Tech

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my sessions with Natasha. I started working with her during a time of organisational change which also impacted my engagement in my role and I was looking for guidance and techniques to manage the situation.
Working with a set range of topics at every session has given me the opportunity to find areas of strengths and development that I wasn’t aware of before. With this guidance we touched upon a much broader spectrum of areas. It's helped me in defining the elements that are important for my future career path and to start applying techniques that give me confidence to take next steps.
Natasha is able to create an atmosphere of trust and was totally committed to supporting me in approaching the challenges I faced, emphasising the human aspect and what it means to embrace change.
Maaike Schröder, Human Resources (Construction)

I highly recommend Natasha and the EmbraceMyFuture programme. I began the course feeling like I had little sense of direction or focus, as though I was drifting through life. Working with Natasha has made me realise that I can take control of my career, and she has given me tangible and practical methods to achieve this which are tailored to my personality and the sector that I work in.
All of our sessions were virtual and Natasha put me completely at ease; she is a gifted listener and able to ask challenging questions which encouraged me to really analyse myself and consider what I want from my career and what steps I could take to make this happen.
Valued advice was given with the lightest touch, and more often than not I found that I had the solutions to achieving my goals within me and Natasha’s focused but gentle questions and keen observations drew these out. I finished each session feeling proud of my progress and excited to put the things we had discussed into action.
I found the structure of the course very beneficial; the fortnightly check-ins gave me accountability (which I personally find helps me stay on track) and the modules allowed me to progressively work through key areas; all the while I felt I had full control of the content and was able to focus in on the areas which I found most useful to me. Natasha is positive, inspirational and extremely good at what she does; thanks to her skill as a coach, I now feel a renewed sense of confidence in my abilities and able to manage my career in a way that works for me.
Flt. Lt C. Wynne-Jones (RAF)

When I first started the programme, my biggest challenge was a lack of motivation and no clear understanding of what my next professional steps would be or indeed how to develop myself further.
I’ve learnt how to better organise priorities and look below the surface when searching for that next step; that I need to trust myself more, but also to push myself by using the tools and techniques Natasha has taught me. If I want to develop an idea or look to what that next step will be, I know I need to plan it out and set time aside for myself to explore it further. I am now taking action for what I want rather than spending time talking about it!
I have turned things around to the point that our new Group Chief Commercial Officer has agreed to be my mentor and I have set up meetings with him every 3 weeks! I have also gained motivation back for what that next step looks like for me, while continuing to develop the current role I am doing.
There is purpose to my career again, whereas before in this bleak current climate I was simply working to keep hold of my job - just being happy I was employed.
I've got my go-getter attitude back!
Pascaline Millar – Head of Client partnerships (Media)